A decade ago,

my heart cracked open.

These are the remnants.

Interview with Joelle Tomlinson on CTV morning news!


Lipstick stains and coffee cups 

Burnt lungs caked in black 

And ex-girlfriends 

Who promise you death 

How she danced for you 

In her bedroom

In pretty black lace 

And your rose red eyes 

Dripped like a faucet 

You couldn’t turn off 


Pretending she won’t kill you 

As if smearing lust 

Across undeserving peripherals

Makes you feel more like a man 

Of expensive taste 


You know exactly how her lips bleed honey

In unfamiliar places 

How she is crawling to your front door  

When she forgets what her name is 


And when she dangles candlesticks

Around your throat 

And slices your arms open 

With razor blades 


Don't you dare ask her 

If she is still starving for you 

When you know damn well


A magician never reveals her tricks

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